How do you stop a runaway president who’s out to kill you? Here’s an excerpt from Voice in the Wilderness where the hero and a Ranger commander try to frighten the president who’s trying to kill them to put him on the defensive. I’ll be sharing more excerpts from this action-packed political thriller with romance as the book launch approaches, February 26, 2016.
Mr. President, Upon accepting my commission, I took an oath to defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Now, I find I must defend this nation against you, sir, an enemy of the domestic variety. No single person has been responsible for as many deaths of Americans as you, since Adolf Hitler. So know this, Mr President. We are coming for you. Not just my detachment of highly trained men, but Navy SEALs and other Rangers, all trained to move into any area on the planet, without being detected, and carry out our mission. No one can stop us. Certainly not the gutless wonders you have placed in command. Some night you will awaken to fingers around your throat. They will be mine. But, I won't kill you. I want the satisfaction of seeing you tried, convicted of both treason and murder, and punished as prescribed by the Constitution. Mr. President, as surely as the sun rises, we are coming for you, and no one except Almighty God has the ability to stop us. See you soon … when you least expect it. Sleep well. Captain C. US Army Ranger Brock had written more. Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin. That, Mr. President, was the handwriting on the wall. Let me interpret it for you. The days of your presidency have been numbered. Your tyrannical reign is coming to an end. You have been weighed and found wanting. Your office will soon be given to another. At that time, this nation will experience a new birth of freedom. Our allies will again trust us, especially Israel, whom you have betrayed. Plans for governing our nation, until a new national election can be held, have already been made. My final words today are for the American people. Take heart. Help is on the way. The filthy house will be swept clean, and we will start again as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. May God bless the United States of America. Your Voice in the Wilderness, Brock Daniels KC swallowed hard, trying to clear the lump in her throat. “Post it, Brock.” Brock clicked on the publish button. The blog went live. He looked up at KC. “Now we see who stays with Hannan and who deserts him.” Brock disconnected from the satellite connection, slipped his laptop into its case, turned and waved to the pilot, then sat and buckled into the ursa chair. KC took the chair beside his and buckled her seatbelt as the twin engines of the Gulfstream 550 whined. “I am so proud of you, Brock.” “Let’s not jump the gun, Kace. Remember Craig’s warning. This could blow up in our faces. But we’ve rolled the dice. We’ll see what comes up.”
If you’re interested in purchasing Voice in the Wilderness, but would like more information, the cover blurb and more than 30 reviews are up on Amazon, here. Also, the Kindle “look inside” feature allows you to read nearly 3 full chapters on Amazon.
Reviews are coming in, but I can always use more. So, if this excerpt piques your interest and you think you might like to read the book for a possible review, contact me using the form below to request a review copy. I will accommodate you if possible.
Thanks for your interest in my writing!
H L Wegley