As the official release date for Voice in the Wilderness approaches, I’ll be sharing some excerpts from this action-packed political thriller.
Reviews are coming in, but I can use two dozen more. So, if this excerpt piques your interest and you think you might like to read the book for a possible review, contact me using the form at the end of this post. I have both Kindle and printed advance review copies (ARCs) and would be glad to put one in your hands, on your Kindle, or other eBook reader.
The context for the excerpt below is that Brock Daniels, a guy who never backs away from bullies, has been contacted through his blog by a Ranger detachment whose commander may be trying to join Brock’s resistance movement against the tyrannical president. Brock and his 3 friends don’t know who to trust, but believe their hiding place may have been compromised. They could really use some help. Brock is talking to the Ranger commander, Craig, but not sure if he can be trusted.
Excerpt #1 from Voice in the Wilderness
“…But what about the folks coming to visit us?” “What's your assessment, Daniels?” “They're not just gonna shoot rockets and kill us. We believe they want to interrogate us first.” “Okay. I have two ideas. The one we actually invoke depends upon who comes to arrest you. You'll have to trust me to spring the appropriate trap. It’s best that I not tell you more at this time.” The cramp forming in Brock's stomach tightened. “You're asking for a lot of sight-unseen trust.” “I guess I am. But the operation—let's call it Operation Spoof—if it works, we can begin to divide and conquer.” “Whatever that means.” By trusting Craig, he could be getting everyone killed. Now, everyone included Jeff. “And how do I know you aren’t spoofing me?” “Because I took an oath to defend the Constitution. It wasn’t an oath to obey the Commander-in-Chief when he violates it. And I swore to fight against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I think the CIC is of the domestic variety.” “Okay, we'll wait until nine o’clock. But, if anything happens before that, or if you're lying, our blood is on your hands. If you're lying, and I'm still alive, I'm coming after you, Craig. Do you understand?” “Loud and clear, Mr. Daniels.” When Brock ended the call, he looked up into KC’s questioning green eyes. She shook her head then stared at him like she questioned his sanity. “Do you realize you just promised to go after a special ops guy, someone trained to kill you in at least four dozen different ways?”
If you’re interested in Voice in the Wilderness, but would like more information, the cover blurb and about 25 reviews are up on Amazon, here. Also, the Kindle “look inside” feature allows you to read nearly 3 full chapters on Amazon.
Use the form below to request a review copy. I will accommodate you if possible, but I have only a limited number of free copies left for reviewers. If you do request a review copy of Voice in the Wilderness, please provide a link, within your message, to one or more book reviews you have posted online.
H L Wegley